Saturday, September 21, 2019

Stimulating creative entrepreneurial initiatives: A flow diagram for strategic planning

Calvo, N., Perez, B., Varela-Candamio, L., & Novo-Corti, I. (2017). Stimulating creative entrepreneurial initiatives: A flow diagram for strategic planning. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 29(4), 425-441. doi:10.1080/09537325.2016.1215421

For library access / research help in a similar topic:

This paper contributes to the organisational study of the creativity applied
to business innovation through the analysis of three propositions: (1) there
are substantial differences between Creative Entrepreneurial Initiatives
(CEIs) and non-CEIs, with regard to human capital factors, structural
capital factors, intellectual property, and creative value chain; (2) there
are institutional, financial, and educational barriers that limit the creation
of CEIs in South Europe (Portugal, France, and Spain); and (3) the
adaptation of organisational measures of stimulus to the specificity of
CEIs through a flow diagram can reduce the limiting effect of the
barriers detected by CEIs. From this approach, researchers and policymakers
can obtain a better understanding of the specificities of the CIEs
from a sectoral, strategic, and organisational focus.

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