Saturday, September 21, 2019

Getting strategic about strategic planning research

Bryson, J. M., Edwards, L. H., & Van Slyke, D. M. (2018). Getting strategic about strategic planning research. Public Management Review, 20(3), 317-339. doi:10.1080/14719037.2017.1285111

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Research summary: This special issue of Strategic Management Journal was motivated by
concern that the growing scope and diversity of the strategic management field creates the
risk of incoherence and fragmentation and the belief that research reviews could contribute to
synthesis and integration. In this introductory essay, we address the expanding domain of strategic
management, consider where its boundaries lie, identify the forces engendering fragmentation,
and discuss how this special issue—and research reviews in general—can assist convergence
within the field of strategy.We conclude by addressing the potential for integration more broadly in
relation to the theories we deploy, the phenomena we investigate, and cohesiveness of our scholarly
Managerial summary: The expanding domain of strategic management reflects the widening
range of strategic issues that practising managers face. However, the fragmentation that has
accompanied this broadening scope impedes the usefulness of strategic management research
in guiding strategic decision making. We argue that reviews of strategic management research,
such as those included within this special issue, can support the accumulation of an integrated,
empirically-validated knowledge base which is essential to informing management practice.

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