Makadok, R., Burton, R., & Barney, J.
(2018). A practical guide for making theory contributions in strategic
management. Strategic Management Journal, 39(6), 1530-1545. doi:10.1002/smj.2789
For library access / research help in a similar topic:
Rather than introducing radical new “grand theory” paradigms,
most theory contributions in strategic management
extend, clarify, or apply received theories in new and
interesting ways. Here we offer a guide on how to make
these kinds of contributions to theory. Theory usually
begins with a research question, which can come from
the phenomenon of interest, variations/limitations of
existing theory, or intellectual creativity. Along with the
question, there are a number of more craftsmanship-level
aspects of a theory where contributions can be made: the
mode of theorizing, the level of analysis, an understanding
of the underlying phenomenon, causal mechanisms,
constructs and variables, and boundary conditions. These
aspects of the theory lead to a set of outcomes in the form
of explanations, predictions, or prescriptions. The articles
in this special issue are interpreted through our framework
as illustrations of this approach to making theory
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