Sunday, September 29, 2019

The role of firm-specific factors in the strategy-performance relationship

Chatzoglou, P., Chatzoudes, D., Sarigiannidis, L., & Theriou, G. (2018). The role of firm-specific factors in the strategy-performance relationship. Management Research Review, 41(1), 46–73

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Purpose – This paper aims to attempt to bring together various organisational aspects that have never been
collectively investigated before in the strategic management literature. Its main objective is to examine the
relationship between “strategic orientation” and “firm performance”, in the light of two firm-specific factors
(“distinct manufacturing capabilities” and “organisational structure”). The proposed research model of the
present study is built upon the resource-based view (RBV) of the firm and the organisational aspect of the
VRIO framework (the “O” from the VRIOmodel).
Design/methodology/approach – The study proposes a newly developed research model that adopts a
four-factor approach, while examining a number of direct and indirect effects. The examination of the
proposed research model was made with the use of a newly developed structured questionnaire that was
distributed on a sample of Greek manufacturing companies. Research hypotheses were tested using the
structural equation modelling technique. The present study is explanatory (examines cause and effect
relationships), deductive (tests research hypotheses), empirical (collects primary data) and quantitative
(analyses quantitative data that were collected using a structured questionnaire).
Findings – The empirical results suggest the coexistence of three distinct categories of effects on “firm
performance”: strategy or “utility” effects, depending on the content of the implemented strategy; firm-specific
effects, depending on the content of the organisational resources and capabilities; and organisational effects,
depending on the implemented organisational structure. More specifically, the statistical analysis underlines
the significant mediating role of “strategic orientation” and the complementary role of “organisational
structure”. Finally, empirical results support the argument that “strategy follows structure”.
Research limitations/implications – The use of self-reported scales constitutes an inherent
methodological limitation. Moreover, the present study lacks a longitudinal approach because it provides a
static picture of the subject under consideration. Finally, the sample size of 130 manufacturing companies
could raise some concerns. Despite that, previous empirical studies of the same field, published in respectable
journals, were also based on similar samples.
Practical implications – When examining the total (direct and indirect) effects on “firm performance”, it
seems that the effect of “organisational structure” is, almost, identical to the effect of “distinct manufacturing
capabilities”. This implies that “organisational structure” (an imitable capability) has, almost, the same
contribution on “firm performance” as the manufacturing capabilities of the organisation (an inimitable
capability). Thus, the practical significance of “organisational structure” is being highlighted.
Originality/value – There has been little empirical research concerning the bundle of firm-specific factors
that enhance the impact of strategy on business performance. Under the context of the resource-based view
(RBV) of the firm, the present study examines the impact of “organisational structure” on the “strategycapabilities-
performance” relationship, something that has not been thoroughly investigated in the strategic
management literature. Also, the present study proposes an alternate measure for capturing the concept of business strategy, the so-called factor of “strategic orientation”. Finally, the study adopts a “reversed view” in
the relationship between structure and strategy. More specifically, it postulates that “strategy follows
structure” and not the opposite (“structure follows strategy”). Actually, the empirical data supported that
(reversed) view, challenging the traditional approach of Chandler (1962) and calling for additional research on
that ongoing dispute.

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The Slaughtered and the Survivors: Collaboration Between Social Economy Organizations as a Key to Success in Times of Financial Crisis

CITATION López-Arceiz, F., Bellostas, A., & Rivera-Torres, M. (2017). The Slaughtered and the Survivors: Collaboration Between Social ...