Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Impact of Service System Transformation on Human Service Agencies: Competing Ministry Directives and Strategic Innovative Leadership Adaptations

 Vito, R. (2017). The Impact of Service System Transformation on Human Service Agencies: Competing Ministry Directives and Strategic Innovative Leadership Adaptations. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance, 41(5), 477–491.

For library access / research help in a similar topic: 

This article will present qualitative research findings on the impact of
service system transformation on three children’s mental health and child
welfare agencies in Ontario, Canada. A multiple-case study, multimethod
design, and thematic data analysis were used with 41 directors and supervisors.
Competing ministry directives that leaders faced (lead agency competition,
rising accountability, cross-sector collaboration, innovation, service
excellence), and continuous funding constraints are linked with organizational
impacts (competing values, changing identity and roles, complex
data collection, diminished community collaboration, reduced resources,
and viability). Leaders’ strategic adaptations to these external pressures
are discussed along with future practice and research implications.

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CITATION López-Arceiz, F., Bellostas, A., & Rivera-Torres, M. (2017). The Slaughtered and the Survivors: Collaboration Between Social ...