Hadrawi, H. (2018). NETWORK ANALYSIS OF
IRAQI HEAVY INDUSTRY. Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 17(4), 1–12
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Iraq is considered to be a war zone for many years; this has led to the destruction of infrastructure, destabilization of social peace, corruption and negatively impacted the industrial sector, especially the cement industry, which faces a lack of competitiveness and low productivity in an unstable environment. Although the government offered a large number of subsidies to this sector through the provision of financial support, energy and raw materials, in an attempt to counter the possibility of losses to the national product. But in this sector, achieving success is a prolonged process. Therefore, to achieve proper competition and success, it is necessary to provide strategic factors. In this regard, literature has revealed that the success of the organizations is closely linked with the performance and success of the strategic leadership. This study focuses on the analysis of the impact of strategic leadership on organizational success in the Iraqi cement industry. A questionnaire was prepared and was distributed among 266 employees in two of the biggest cement factories in Iraq.
A conceptual model was introduced to clarify the casual relationships between the variables. The objective is achieved in this study with the aid of network analysis. The results of this study vividly elaborated the impact of strategic leadership on organizational success in Iraqi industrial sector, which needs to take into consideration strategic thinking, change to the future, clear vision, knowledge and the use of modern information technology. Finally, future studies should be conducted to explore other organizational factors that could enhance the competitiveness of Iraqi industrial sector.
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