Djordjevic, P., Panic, M., Arsic, S.,
& Zivkovic, Z. (2018). Impact of leadership on strategic planning of
quality. Total Quality Management &
Business Excellence, 1–15.
For library access / research help in a similar topic:
This paper presents the results of an empirical investigation of the impact of leadership
on strategy of quality planning in manufacturing companies with a certified Quality
Management System (QMS) according to the requirements of ISO 9001, in the
southern Serbia. Theoretical structural model and hypothesis of the impact of
leadership on the elements of strategy of quality planning were defined. Path
coefficients in the structural model were determined using LISLER v.16 software,
which proved the defined hypothesis, except the hypothesis regarding customers and
suppliers involvement in quality planning. Based on the results of the empirical
research performed in this paper it is shown that under the conditions of transitional
economy, under which Serbian companies have been operating for over two decades,
QMS certification according to the requirements of ISO 9001 has been conducted pro
forma and it does not function according to the guidelines of this standard within the
suppliers – company – customers supply chain.
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