Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How do international tourists perceive hotel quality?: An exploratory study of service quality in Antalya tourism region

Dortyol, I.T., Varinli, I. & Olgun, K. (2014) How do international tourists perceive hotel quality?: An exploratory study of service quality in Antalya tourism region, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management; Bradford, 26(3),  470-495

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Purpose – The aim of this paper is to identify tourists’ perceptions of services provided by hotels in
Antalya/Turkey and to explore hotel service quality dimensions. Specifically, the objectives are as
follows: to identify the dimensions of hotel service quality, and to determine the relative impact of
those dimensions on customer satisfaction levels, on customer value and on customers’ intentions to
recommend or revisit a hotel.
Design/methodology/approach – The present study uses the framework which originally
appeared in Juwaheer’s study investigating international tourists’ perceptions of hotels in Mauritius.
In this framework ten hotel service quality dimensions were defined by factor analysis and then the
most important dimensions for each component were determined using stepwise regression analysis.
Findings – Of the ten hotel service quality dimensions, “tangibles” and “food quality and reliability”
influence the customer satisfaction level the most. Customer value is explained by five dimensions
which generate 37.8 percent of the variance. “Hotel employees and problem solving”, “transportation”,
“food quality and reliability”, “climate and hygiene”, “level of price”, “tangibles”, “interaction with
Turkish culture” and “friendly, courteous and helpful employees” are the main dimensions which
affect whether a guest will recommend a hotel. “Tangibles”, “interaction with Turkish culture”, and
“level of price” are seen as the most influential dimensions in terms of customers’ intentions to revisit a
Research limitations/implications – The basic limitation of the study is the unexplained
variance, which is the result of the regression analysis. Therefore, future research should aim to
determine the factors explaining that variance.
Practical implications – In light of these findings, hotel managers in Antalya can better
understand their guests’ priorities and consequently, they can arrange their service encounter process
accordingly to fulfill these priorities.
Originality/value – This study presents potentially valuable information for hotel managers in
Antalya with regards to understanding customer value and satisfaction, which are the key elements in
terms of guests revisiting a hotel and recommending it to others. As providing an opportunity for a
comparative study of service quality searches, this study contributes to the field.

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