Bakirtzoglou, P., Vryoni, S. & Ioannou, P. (2018) Hotel Spa
managers’ perceptions of service quality in Greece, Serbian Journal of Management, 13(2), 323-334
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The purpose of the present study was to investigate which dimensions of service quality are most
important to Hotel Spa managers for their customers’ satisfaction in Greece. Thirty three (n=33)
Hotel Spa managers in Greece volunteered to participate in the present study. Measurements included
the use of the SERVQUAL instrument (Parasuraman et al., 1988) to measure perceptions of service
quality. Factor Analysis (principal component) with Varimax rotation was used to identify the
predictive variables of managers’ perceptions. The results showed that three variables and four items
of SERVQUAL model were the most predictive variables of managers’ perceptions. Factors were
labeled as follows: Responsiveness, Reliability and Tangibles. Items were labeled as follows:
timeliness of Hotel Spa’s staff, employees’ professionalism, food and beverages and providing
promptness service implementation. Those three factors and four items explained Hotel Spa
managers' perceptions at the percentage of 50.97%. In conclusion, human (responsiveness and
reliability) and environmental (tangibles) factors of service quality are important parameters for
Hotel Spa managers in Greece, when they design marketing services aiming to improve their
customers’ satisfaction.
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