Shikweni, S., & Schurink,
W. (2019). Talent management in the South African construction industry. SA
Journal of Human Resource Management, 17(7/8), e1–e12.
For library access / research help in a similar topic:
Orientation: The South African construction industry is constrained by the shortage of
a skilled workforce due to global competition and insufficient graduate output. There is a need
to evolve attract and retain the most valuable talent.
Research purpose: The aim of this study was to investigate talent management in a prominent
South African internationally operating construction company. The objective is to develop
a framework for enhancement of talent management practices.
Motivation for the study: The South African construction industry’s inability to retain talent,
hampers global competitiveness and productivity. Talent shortages need to be addressed at
a strategic level to remain competitive.
Research approach/design and method: A qualitative research approach examined a single
South African construction organisation in the Gauteng Province. Grounded theory was used
to analyse data generated from interviews, participant observations and company documents.
Main findings: Firstly, talent management in the construction industry supposes mutual
actions from the organisation and its talented employees. Secondly, internal enablers drive
business outcomes by in alignment with a well-crafted strategy. Thirdly, a regulatory
framework should acknowledge labour market dynamics and diversity. Fourthly, internal and
external enablers should be taken into consideration. Finally, effective implementation of talent
management practices yields talent sustainability and competitiveness.
Practical/managerial implications: The two conceptual frameworks developed indicate:
(1) key factors that play a role in talent management, and (2) the interface between talented
employees and the organisation.
Contributions/value-add: The findings provide two proposed frameworks that could guide
leadership to devise an enabling global competitive talent management environment in the
construction industry.
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