Saturday, October 5, 2019

Reconceptualising product life-cycle theory as stakeholder engagement with non-profit organisations

Mitchell, S., & Clark, M. (2019). Reconceptualising product life-cycle theory as stakeholder engagement with non-profit organisations. Journal of Marketing Management35(1-2), 13–39.

For library access / research help in a similar topic: 

The paper critically re-examines product life-cycle (PLC) theory, developed
over 50 years ago. Despite prevalence in marketing pedagogy
and continued popularity within empirical research, PLC is seldom
challenged. The paper identifies the organisation-centric construct
underpinning the theory and highlights a disconnection between
PLC theory and the recent academic insight around customer
It reconceptualises the life-cycle concept based on engagement
between stakeholder and non-profit organisation (NPO), structured
upon both the market orientation and social exchange constructs.
The revised framework maps stakeholder engagement with the NPO
through the five stages of incubation, interaction, involvement,
immersion, and incapacitation. The paper concludes with identifying
a roadmap for future empirical research to develop and validate the
re-envisaged conceptual model. The methodology used is narrative
literature review supported by secondary research from specialist
practitioner reports.

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