Saturday, October 5, 2019

Realising the value of knowledge resources and capabilities: an empirical study

Nguyen, T., Ngo, L., Northey, G., & Siaw, C. (2019). Realising the value of knowledge resources and capabilities: an empirical study. Journal of Knowledge Management23(2), 374–395

For library access / research help in a similar topic:

Purpose – Drawing upon the resource-based view of the firm, this paper aims to develop and empirically
validate a model that examines the relationships between technical knowledge management
infrastructure (TKMI), social KM infrastructure (SKMI) and competitive advantage provided by KM
(CAPKM). The authors argue that KM process capabilities account for the direct effects of TKMI and
Design/methodology/approach – The study used partial least squares —structural equating modelling
(SEM) to empirically test the hypotheses using a sample of 251 firms from an emerging economy. The
results were then confirmed using the bias-corrected bootstrap procedure. The study also conducted
two robustness checks including examining a competing moderation model and performing fuzzy-set
qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA), a set–theoretic method that examines how causal conditions
combine into all possible configurations of binary states to explain the desired outcome.
Findings – The findings show that TKMI and SKMI have positive effects on CAPKM. In addition, KM
process capabilitiesmediate the direct effects of TKMI and SKMI on CAPKM.
Originality/value – This paper complements and advances previous research in several ways. Firstly,
the paper develops a conceptual model that depicts the interrelationships between TKMI, SKMI, KM
process capabilities and CAPKM. Secondly, this paper suggests the critical role of the ‘‘action’’
component (i.e. KMprocess capabilities) that capitalises on theKMresources in the creation of CAPKM.

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