Saturday, October 5, 2019

Organisational Narcissism: A Review of the Indicators in the Major Australian Banks

Laing, G., & Dunn, B. (2018). Organisational Narcissism: A Review of the Indicators in the Major Australian Banks. e - Journal of Social & Behavioural Research in Business9(1), 58–75

For library access / research help in a similar topic:

The purpose of this paper is to explore indicators of organisationa l narcissism in the
four major Australian banks. With investigation encompassing the CEO letters to shareholders
and the vision/mission statements of the respective banks. The paper develops an alternative
model for considering influences which impact on c orporate culture and culminate in the
evolution of organisational narcissism
The approach used in this paper involves the application of a form of
content analysis focusing on the CEO letters to shareholders and the vision/mission statements
of the respective banks.
T he existence of a narcissistic organization is a product of the capitalist society with
it s focus on the need to succeed against all competition . The subsequent organizational culture
inevitably becomes narci ssistic and in turn the employees at all levels are subject to
The findings from this study addresses a gap in the literature and provides
for future comparative studies be conducted on the engagement of students with so cial
networking sites to better understand internet addiction

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