Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sustainable supply chain in food industries: Drivers and strategic sustainability orientation

Emamisaleh, K., & Rahmani, K. (2017). Sustainable supply chain in food industries: Drivers and strategic sustainability orientation. Cogent Business & Management4(1).

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Today, the concept of sustainable development in supply chain management
is introduced as one of the basic concepts in production management. Paying attention
to economic, social and environmental needs of the society is essential in gaining
competitive advantage in the global market. Therefore, in order to achieve sustainable
development, appropriate programs and strategies should be considered by managers
throughout the supply chain. Moreover, the internal and external drivers of the environment
in the supply chain will lead organizations—willingly or not—towards sustainability.
Hence, this paper examines the internal and external drivers in order to study strategic
sustainability orientation. The results showed that internal drivers, including attitudes of
managers and their support for sustainable programs, has a positive impact on strategic
sustainability orientation. The study showed that external drivers of the organizations
affect internal drivers, and compared to external drivers, internal drivers have a more
important role in creating sustainable orientation within an organization. In addition, the
mediating role of internal drivers in relation to external drivers and strategic sustainability
orientation is approved. This study is conducted on 120 food industry companies of Iran.

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