Chen, Y. and Williams, M. (2018)
Subjective Social Status in Transitioning China: Trends and Determinants, Social
Science Quarterly, 99(1), pp. 406-423
For library access / research help in a similar topic:
This study provides the first representative portrait of temporal trends in subjective social
status (SSS) in China. SSS has been shown to be important for health and well-being outcomes,
yet little is known how its determinants change over time. Methods. Using data from 10 nationally
representative survey waves, 2003 to 2012 (N = 80,141), we examine descriptive and multivariate
trends. Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition is used to decompose changes in determinants in mean SSS
over time. Results and Conclusion. Results demonstrate that (1) average SSS has risen over time,
yet there is an enduring tendency for the Chinese to place themselves in lowest levels in the social
hierarchy; (2) objective socioeconomic variables such as income explain much of the rise in average
SSS; (3) yet the strength of the relationship between socioeconomic variables predicting SSS has
been weakening over time. This article adds to our understanding of the determinants of SSS in
contexts undergoing transition.
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