Sunday, September 29, 2019

Strategic decision-making: The effects of cooperative conflict management, agreement-seeking behavior and competence-based trust on decision outcomes

Parayitam, S., & Papenhausen, C. (2018). Strategic decision-making: The effects of cooperative conflict management, agreement-seeking behavior and competence-based trust on decision outcomes. Management Research Review, 41(1), 2–28.

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Purpose – This paper aims to investigate the effect of cooperative conflict management on agreementseeking
behavior, agreement-seeking behavior on decision outcomes, moderating role of competence-based
trust on the relationship between agreement-seeking behavior and decision outcomes, and mediating role of
agreement-seeking behavior between cooperative conflict management and decision outcomes.
Design/methodology/approach – Using a structured survey instrument, this paper gathered data from
348 students enrolled in a strategic management capstone course that features strategic decision-making in a
simulated business strategy game. The data from 94 teams were collected from the student population using a
carefully administered instrument. The data were aggregated after running the inter-rater agreement test and
the analyzed to test the hypotheses.
Findings – The results from the hierarchical regression of the complex moderated mediation model reveal
that cooperative conflict management is positively related to agreement-seeking behavior, and agreementseeking
behavior mediates the relationship between cooperative conflict management and decision outcomes.
The results also suggest that competence-based trust acts as a moderator in the relationship between
agreement-seeking behavior and decision quality; agreement-seeking behavior and team effectiveness, and
agreement-seeking behavior and decision commitment. Results also support mediation of agreement-seeking
behavior between cooperative conflict management and decision outcomes.
Research limitations/implications – The present research is based on self-report measures, and
hence, the limitations of social desirability bias and common method bias are inherent. However, adequate
care is taken to minimize these limitations. The research has implications for the strategic decision-making
process literature.
Practical implications – In addition to the strategic management literature, this study contributes to
practicing managers. The study suggests that competence-based trust plays a vital role in decision
effectiveness. Administrators need to select the members in the decision-making process who have
competence-based trust on one another and engage in agreement-seeking behavior.
Social implications – The findings from the study help in creating a fruitful social environment in
Originality/value – This study provides new insights about the previously unknown effects of
cooperative conflict management and agreement-seeking behavior in strategic decision-making process

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