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For library access / research help in a similar topic:
We investigate the relationship between high-commitment human resources (HCHR) practices
and chief executive officer (CEO) charismatic leadership on voluntary employee turnover and
relative performance to peers in a sample of 281 small firms. In this study, we expand upon prior
conceptualizations of fit within the literature on strategic human resources (HR) to include the
fit of HCHR with other aspects of the people management system. Specifically, we hypothesize
a variety of relationships that may occur (e.g., positive synergistic, deadly combination, or substitution)
and find that when a firm uses a system of HCHR practices and has a charismatic leader,
performance is highest and turnover lowest. Conversely, when a firm does not invest in either,
performance is lowest and turnover highest. We also found some support for a substitution
effect as our data showed that when there is a mismatch between a firm's HR system and the
leadership characteristics of the CEO, turnover is higher and performance lower than the highinvestment
people management system (high HCHR and high-charismatic leadership), but turnover
is lower and performance higher than the low-investment (low HCHR and low-charismatic
leadership) people management system.
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