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For library access / research help in a similar topic:
Through a qualitative approach (via semistructured
interviewing), we explore the perspective of 72
CEOs of companies operating in Portugal about the definition
of corporate sustainability (CS) and its facilitators, and
obtain four main findings. First, most CEOs equate CS with
the company’s continuity/viability. Second, the relevance
ascribed to different stakeholders differs considerably: while
more than 50 % of CEOs cited shareholders/profits, and
more than 40 % mentioned the natural environment and
employees, very few mentioned customers, society, suppliers,
the State, or competitors. Third, the management practices
considered as most important to develop CS are (a) the
organization’s strategic alignment with a long-term orientation,
and (b) developing and energizing people within a
positive organizational climate characterized by trust and
ethics. Fourth, the leadership characteristics and behaviors
considered as most important to foster CS are scrutinizing
the future and leading people through a mobilizing vision;
energizing and developing employees; and leading by
example. While the whole picture is largely consistent with
the ‘‘sustainable strategic management’’ (SSM) approach
suggested by Stead and Stead (2014) and with recent CS
integrative approaches, the great majority of CEOs who
participate in the study have not embraced such integrative
and coevolutive perspectives
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