Friday, September 27, 2019

Carbon emissions: determination of GHG performance

Activity 1: Methods of Determining Scope 1 Emissions

Method I

This method is known as the National Greenhouse Accounts default method and it outlines the methodologies used for the preparation of National Greenhouse Accounts by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency (Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, 2011). Designated emission factors are designated in this method which is mainly used where the energy source is homogenous.

Method 2

This method is facility based and it focuses on analysis of fuels and raw materials used at specific facilities with an aim to provide accurate emission estimates at respective facilities (Defra, 2009). Of particular interest in this method is the quality of fuels used with focus being on fuels whose quality varies from point to point such as coal. This method uses technical guidelines from the Generator Efficiency Standards program. The method is considered to be of a higher order than Method 1.

Method 3

This method is also facility based. It is similar method 2 with the only exception being that it requires compliance with the documentary standards for the analysis of fuels. In addition to this, it requires compliance with the Australian/ international documentary standards for sampling (Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, 2011).

Method 4

Method 4 is dubbed: direct monitoring of emission systems. It can either be done continuously or periodically. Unlike the other methods which analyse the chemical component of fuels, this method directly monitors emissions of greenhouse gases coming from various activities (Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, 2011). This method is known to be data intensive and very accurate when well implemented.

Reasons why method is best for QEH

Method 1 is most appropriate for use at QEH due to the fact that the fuels used at the organisation are homogenous. The level of emission at different facilities is likely to be similar depending on the amount of fuel consumed. The method is also easy to use and monitoring can easily be commenced without having to invest in any special equipment. The formula for the determination of the carbon emissions under this method is:
Eij= Qi x ECi x EFijoxec/ 1000
Where Eij is the carbon emission in tonnes, Qi is the quantity of fuel in tonnes, ECi energy content factor and Fijoxec is emission factor for each gas type (Pout, Mackenzie and Bettle, 2002). In accordance with this formula, the carbon emission under scope 1/ Direct emissions = 4000,000/1000 x 34.4 x 69.22/ 1000= 952

Activity 2

Scope 2 emissions come from activities that are primarily aimed at generating electricity. For electricity to qualify for consideration under scope 2, the electricity consumption should not form part of the facility. This scope is applicable in determining the carbon emission contribution by buyers of electric power. The determination is made using the following formula:
Y=Q x EF/ 1000 where Y is carbon emissions in tonnes, Q is quantity purchased from the electricity grid and EF is the emission factor per kilowatt hour for the state from which the electricity is bought (Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, 2011a).
In accordance with this method, the scope 2 carbon emission for QEH is as tabulated below:
GHG Source
Quantities used
Emissions. Tonnes CO2-e
Scope 2- Indirect energy
Purchased electricity NSW
2,000,000 x 0.89/1000
Purchased electricity Victoria
1,000,000 x 1.21/1000
Purchased electricity Queensland
250,000 x 0.88/1000

Activity 3

Scope 3 emissions are generated in two ways. The first mode of generations relates to those burning fossil fuels with an aim to determine their contribution to the production, extraction and transport of the fuels. The second mode relates to consumers of electricity with the emissions being what is attributable to the production, generation, and delivery processes of the electricity (Holland, Jonathan and Christopher, 2009).
The calculation for the carbon emissions under scope three are similar to scopes 1 and 2 save for the difference in the emission factors. The factors and subsequent calculations are as follows:
Scope 3- Indirect energy
GHG Source
Quantities used
Emmission factor
Emissions. Tonnes CO2-e
Own transport fleet- indirect fuel extraction
400,000 litres
400,000/1000 x 34.4 x 5.3/1000
Purchased electricity (indirect fuel extraction and line loss)- NSW
2,000,000 x 0.17/1000
Purchased electricity (indirect fuel extraction and line loss)- Victoria
1,000,000 x 0.15/1000
Purchased electricity (indirect fuel extraction and line loss)- Queensland
250,000 x 0.12/1000
Customer use of vehicles
1,100,000,000/1000 x 34.4 x 5.3/1000


Activity 4

1. In order to effectively monitor the company’s GHG performance there will be need to monitor a number of factors. To begin with, the amount of fuel used in the company should be known. This would help in determining the amount of direct emissions produced. Alongside the amount of fuel should be knowledge of the preset energy content and emission factors. The determination of scope 2 emissions would require that there be accurate records detailing the amount of electricity procured from various sources. It would also be necessary to be constantly informed of the emission factors for electricity from different locations. The same factors apply for the factors needed to determine the requirements for scope three emissions. Among the difficult records to obtain may be the amount of fuel used by customers. This information would also be needed in calculating the company’s GHG performance.

The accounting system would not be significantly impacted as the information needed for determining the GHG performance is what a normal accounting system would normally contain. This is especially the case in fuel consumed by the organisation and its top executives. The same would apply to the amount of electricity procured from various sources.

            The information on the GHG performance cannot be included in the company’s accounting systems. This is due to the fact that accounting systems mainly deal with monetary figures. The GHG performance as it is currently is in form of carbon emissions and therefore not quantifiable in a manner compatible with accounting systems. Secondly, accounting systems only recognise expenses once they have been incurred. In this case, no actual expenses have been incurred and they can therefore not be factored into the accounting systems. The prices of carbon emissions are yet to be effected with the coming into effect of the recommendations expected to be in July 2012 (Australian Government, 2012). This means that it is impossible to incur the expenses as it is. Moreover, the GHG performance estimation would require a high measure of estimation especially when it comes to collection of data on the consumption by customers. The use of estimations is not regarded as part of best practice in accounting systems. The process of collecting accurate data on customer consumption of fossil fuels may be more costly than the value of the information itself and that would make such a system untenable.

2. Additional information needed for future calculations of GHG performance would need to include fuel consumed by employees whose fuel costs are covered by the organisation. The organisation would also need to use the GHG performance measurements to determine which of its 18 sites was most or least efficient in the consumption of energy. The possession of such information would be useful in determining the efficiency level of their equipment and help in triggering a self corrective mechanism aimed at improving the energy efficiency of the organisation.  

Activity 5

Investors are mostly interested in the welfare of the organisations and are therefore mostly interested in the financial impact of their organisations. Their interest also stretches to future endeavours where possible opportunities generated by the legislations are put into effect. To an investor, the most relevant information would be the establishment of the total amount of carbon emissions generated by the organisation and the amount of money it would cost the company. The sum totals of the carbon emission totals is as follows:
Scope 1: 952 tonnes
Scope 2: 1780 + 1210 + 220 = 3,210 tonnes 
Scope 3: 73 + 340 + 150 + 30 + 200,552 = 201,145 tonnes
The total amount would therefore be 205, 307 tonnes.
The carbon pricing system aims at imposing taxes on the main contributors of greenhouse emissions with an aim to channel the amounts collected towards initiatives such as forestation which would help in absorbing such gases from the atmosphere. The prices applicable in Australia are to commence application in July 2012 at a price of $23 per tonne of carbon emission. This price is expected to rise by about 2% in 2013 and 2014. For the year 2012, QEH’s carbon emission obligation would therefore stand at 205,307 x 23 = $ 4,722,061.
A sum of 4 million is one that would raise eyebrows among investors and they would want to know how the organisation would work to reduce the obligation to acceptable levels.
Details such as embracing new operation models, replacement of old and archaic machines, initiatives to help reduce the amount of fuel consumed by key clients and participation in selected CRS activities aimed at mitigating the impact of greenhouse emissions would work well to reassure investors that the organisation is on the right course.  

Activity 6

One of the main ways of reducing the GHG figure in the company would be to focus on operation procedures and equipment. The procurement of fuel and electricity is done to meet the demand of equipment with the organisation. Focus on office and factory design to reduce the need for lighting would be one good approach. The replacement of heat bulbs with more efficient bulbs would significantly reduce the electric energy required. Another initiative would focus on the efficiency of the machines used. This focus should determine whether there are machines in need of service or where there are any machines in need of replacement. Consistent servicing of machines helps in maintaining their efficiency where they tend to require less energy to execute the same amount of tasks (Allen, 2009). Old machines should also be replaced by new and more energy efficient ones. There should also be focus on the supply chain systems where possible. Where a given equipment can execute several tasks at a time, then the work should be organised in a manner that ensure that all tasks that need to be worked in with a machine are run at the same time (Friedlingstein, 2010). This would help in reducing the amount of time over which such machines are active hence greatly reducing the amount of power needed.

Of importance would also the focus on procurement procedures. Focus should be made to ensure that minimal costs are incurred in the storage of inventory or in the transporting system. Where orders are made in small quantities, a lot of fuel is incurred while transporting them from the suppliers’ premises. Similarly, where too much inventory is in place, there may be implications in terms of the energy needed to keep them in the desired condition and temperature. The organisation should focus on these aspects and choose a model that minimises costs. As can be seen from the calculations above, fuel consumption by customers contribute the most to the GHG figures. This calls for a drive to sensitise customers to embrace more efficient vehicles and reorganise their operations in a manner that minimises the need for movement. Awareness campaigns as well as direct engagements could bear fruits. The organisation could even go the extra mile to provide such customers with gadgets and equipment that could greatly reduce their energy consumption levels as part of their CSR initiatives.

The carbon pricing system which allows for individuals to get paid over their initiatives to conserve the environment could also be exploited by the company. The company could choose to invest in establishing large forests in diverse locations and participate in the conservation agenda in a scale that would not only clear its carbon emission obligations, but also get it earning from the government. Carbon credit systems allow for earning based on the amount of greenhouse emissions absorbed from the atmosphere and a good investment in this area could see the company raise additional sources of income (Australian Government, 2012).


Allen, M.R., et al., 2009. Warming caused by carbon emissions towards the trillionth tonne. Mature, 458, pp. 1163-1166
Australian Government, 2012. Carbon Pricing Mechanism. (Online) Available at: (Accessed 7 May 2012)
Defra, 2009. Guidance on how to measure and report your greenhouse gas emissions. (Online) Available at: (Accessed 7 May 2012)
Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, 2011. National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting System Measurement: Technical guidelines for the estimation of greenhouse gas emissions by facilities in Australia. Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Commonwealth of Australia
Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, 2011a. National Greenhouse Accounts Factors. Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Commonwealth of Australia
Friedlingstein, P., et al., 2010. Update on CO2 emissions. Nature Geoscience, 3, pp. 811-812
Holland, S.P., Jonathan, E,H,, Christopher, R.K., 2009. Greenhouse gas reductions under low carbon fuel standards? American Economic Policy, 1(1), pp. 106-146
Pout, C.H., MacKenzie, F., Bettle, R., 2002. Carbon dioxide emissions from non domestic buildings: 2000 and beyond. (Online) Available at: (Accessed 7 May 2012)

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