Sunday, September 29, 2019

Annotated bibliography on sources related to leisure programming

Carpenter, Gaylene., and Blandy Douglas. Arts and cultural programming: a leisure perspective. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers. 2011. Print
            This book takes the perspectives of one aspect of leisure: art and culture. In the introduction chapter, the types of programs in art and culture and their connection with leisure. Leisure concepts have also been highlighted and applied to arts and cultural programming. In the second part of the book which comprises chapters 4-8, the book focuses on the application of the theories and concepts covered in the introductory chapters in the programming of arts and culture programs. Aspects such as management of programs, cultivation of program audiences, and even the marketing of the programs have been explained at length. Even though this resource largely dwells on arts and cultural planning, it is important to note that the same is very relevant to leisure programming. Arts and culture can be said to be part of the wider field of leisure and any insights in terms of programming are bound to be useful insights in the wider field of leisure programming.

Carpenter, Gaylene., and Murray, Susan. “Leisure behaviours and perceptions when mid-life death is imminent: A case report” Journal of Park and Recreation Administration 20.4 (2002): 12-36. Print
            Based on an analogy of a leisure service professional diagnosed with a terminal illness in her prime, this paper explores the perceptions on pleasure by individuals faced with mid-life death. It evaluates the psychological well being of such individuals and goes on to evaluate how their perceptions change in relation to leisure and other facets of life. The article observes that persons facing such crises tend to turn to leisure in order to face their fears and tend to value special programs with sufficient levels of involvement. Leisure has also been noted to provide chances for renewal of identity and personal meaning. This article can have a multiplicity of audiences ranging from leisure professionals to the general public. Health officers could also use the findings to advise their patients appropriately on how to cope with their crises. Leisure programming specialists would also be well advised to use the information to design programs that allow rediscovery of meaning and personal identity.

Chon, Kayne., Kandampully, Jay., Mok, Connie., and Sparks, Beverly. Service Quality Management in Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure. Binghamton, NY: The Hawoth Hospitality Press, 2001. Print.
            This text provides an in-depth introduction to the field of tourism, hospitality and leisure. In addition to describing the three objects separately as products, goods and services; it goes on to bring out the unique characteristics of the same. The book appears to put more emphasis on the question of quality in hospitality and pleasure. Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 6 are all dedicated towards various aspects of service which range from the definition of quality to the exploration of the importance of positive service encounter. In reference to leisure programming, the book provides a good background understanding the leisure that is the subject of leisure planning and its overall goal. The concept of competitive advantage in leisure has also been explored. This is an important resource that would not only help in the basic understanding of the concepts of hospitality and leisure; but also ensure that the planning process focuses primarily on quality and unique service encounter experiences.

Cochran, Lynda., Rothschadl, A.,and  Rudick, Jodi. Leisure programming for Baby Boomers. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers. 2009. Print        
            This book identifies baby boomers are persons who were born in the 1960s and are characterised as individuals that sees itself as different from the rest of the society. Their tastes and preferences in terms of products and services as well as lifestyles and political views tended to be a little different. This book delves into the specific views of this generation and uses it to form a framework for programming where each element in the programming framework is linked to the specific traits and lifestyles observed in the baby boomers. Even though the field of leisure programming is wider than envisioned in the book, the basic principles guiding “leisure programming for baby boomers” are the same where the need to understand the customer needs and develop programs that satisfy those needs is crucial. This resource is highly relevant to the field of leisure programming and one that should be referred to by leisure programmers from the different leisure and recreation dimensions.

Fennell, David. Ecotourism programme planning. New York: CABI Publishing. 2002. Print
            This book equates ecotourism as nature based with the main attractions being physical features, wild animals and others. It is part of leisure and the principles applied for programme planning in ecotourism would be the same with differences only emerging in the specific programs for the different types of programs. For instance, in ecotourism where viewing of wildlife may be concerned, the programs should factor in the kind of beasts that clients would want to view and their movement patterns at different times of year and specific times of day when they can be viewed with ease. The programming process has also been viewed in light of the supply chain systems with an emphasis on the need to collaborate with other players in the tourism sector. This resource’s relevance to leisure programming is clear. In addition to focussing on the principles of leisure programming, it promotes a deeper understanding of ecotourism hence broadening the perspectives of the leisure programmers.

Gartner, W., and Lime, D. Trends in outdoor recreation, leisure and tourism. New York: CABI Publishing. 2000. Print
            This book is about trends in recreation and leisure and it starts by evaluating the factors that affect demand for leisure and use of resources. Factors such as technology, demographics, and cultural dimensions are among those that have been covered. The book then explores policy issues that have impacted the leisure and recreation sector since the World War II. The main changes that were observed include changes in labour laws, requirements for assurance of security and safety of clients, and increased vigilance on the need to conserve the environment. Knowledge of the trends in recreation and leisure helps in understanding the needs of the market as well as predicting future trends based on changing demographics and anticipated technological advances. These pieces of information are crucial in leisure programming where quality and customer satisfaction are among the most important principles applied.

Gass, Priest., and Gass Michael. Effective leadership in adventure programming. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers. 2005. Print
            As the title indicates, the main focus is adventure (a section of leisure) programming and the leadership requirement needed in the programming. It highlights the main leadership skills needed in the leadership roles as organisational skills, safety skills, environmental skills and technical skills. By highlighting the skills needed by leaders in the programming, the book brings out the nature of the programming processes and the overall expectations on each of the parties involved in it. Also highlighted clearly is the philosophy that informs the adventure planning process, its aims, and expectations both from the financial, social and environmental perspectives. The decision making models such as the decision tree have been highlighted with examples on how the suitability of different options can be established for better decision making. Focus on the ethics of the programming function cap the complexity of the planning process. This book is very helpful in deepening understanding of leisure programming from the perspective of leadership.

Gitelson, Richard., Hultsman, Wendy., and Biaett, Vern. “Programs that work: a comparison for gathering marketing information at special events” Journal of Park and Recreation Administration 20.4 (2002): 185-196. Print
            This article focuses on fact finding to establish whether events have been able to produce the desired results. The authors discuss methodologies on how data can be collected and the types of analyses that would be useful in determining whether the given events are successful. Post programme research is an important process in determining the effectiveness of leisure programmes. This is especially useful in the process of ensuring that continuous improvement is achieved with the input of the clients on their satisfaction levels and future preferences as the main ingredients. This article is target at organisers of special events and scholars. However, it is equally applicable to the field of leisure programming as far as the need to ensure there is creativity and continuous improvement is concerned.

Havitz, Mark., and Dimanche, Frederic. “Leisure involvement revisited: Drive properties and paradoxes” Journal of Leisure Research 31.2 (1999): 122-149. Print
            This scholarly article focuses on the issue of involvement in leisure and contains a review on past researches that have attempted to link the levels of satisfaction to the level of involvement by leisure clients. This article advocates for the enhancement of quality of leisure through better program designs that ensure that levels of involvement are facilitated only to the extent that they do not become bothersome and therefore interfere with the ability of the customers to enjoy leisure. Even though the article appears to address recreation and leisure scholars for purposes of stimulating further research, its findings are very relevant to leisure programming. The main principle governing leisure programmers is the underlying need to ensure quality and customer satisfaction. The programmers would therefore be interested in finding out whether they could increase satisfaction by increasing the levels of involvement. The application of this resource is however bound to be limited in the context of leisure programming as no realistic conclusions relevant to the field have been provided.

Hurd, Amy., Anderson, Denise. The park and recreation professional’s handbook. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers. 2011. Print
            This is a writing targeting professionals in the leisure sector and it concentrates on highlighting the technical aspects of the practice. Specific focus on programming is in chapter 2 where the programming planning process has been explored in depth. Special aspects of programming such as creativity, programming for people with disabilities and the strategic importance of coordinating with other industry players have also been covered in depth. In accordance with the presentation in this writing, leisure programming is a complex process that must involve the application of strategic thinking. It should cover approach to facility management, budget control and the management of human resources. The analytical skills used for weighing different options in the decision making process have also been provided. This writing is an important resource for leisure planners as it provides insight on all aspects of the leisure programming process as well as the philosophical viewpoints relevant to the process.

Hurd, Amy., Barcelona, Robert., Meldrum, John. Leisure services management. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers. 2008. Print
            The focus of this book is on management. The general foundations of management have been covered in the first 2 chapters where leadership, management and corresponding trends over the years have been identified. Chapter 3 narrows down on leisure management where the specific functions of managers in the leisure sector have been highlighted. The book also brings out the issues that leisure managers would need to deal with from time to time especially as pertains to the preservation of the environment, duty to communities and clients, employment regulations and others. Issues affecting management in the leisure sector as very relevant to leisure planning. Aspects such as legal issues that would apply to leisure managers also applies to leisure planners who would need to design the leisure activities in a manner that ensures compliance with all the relevant laws. This book therefore introduces a unique angle by highlighting the legal issues that would need to be reviewed in leisure planning.

Kassing, Gayle., et al. Dimensions of leisure for life: individuals and society. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers. 2011. Print
            This comprehensive coverage of leisure and leisure programming explores the different dimensions of leisure. It explores leisure’s importance to individuals and societies in the first part. In part 2 which contains chapters 3-5, leisure is viewed as a lifestyle where its connection to well being and other societal activities is explored. Historical developments of leisure from the historical times to modern times have been explored with its connection to changes in technology and focus on sustainability clearly brought out. In the last part (Chapters 12-16), leisure is explored in the modern world settings in the society and also in relation to geography and also physiological changes for the average member of the society in their entire life spans. The in-depth understanding of leisure as promoted by this book is critical in the leisure programming process as it is the deep understanding that ensures that effective leisure programs are generated.         

Kassing, Gayle., et al. Introduction to recreation and leisure. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers. 2012. Print
            This book is divided into 3 parts. Part one contains the introduction which outline the foundations of recreation and leisure. The history of recreation and the philosophies of recreation are among the contents of this part. In part 2, leisure and recreation is explored in light of a delivery system. In other words, the systems that have developed over time through the private and public sectors to deliver leisure have been explored. The different types of recreation depending on the need and composition of clients such as faith based recreation, correctional recreation, and others have also been explored at length with an emphasis on their aims and implications for the delivery systems. Part 3 narrows down on the programming process and seeks to bring out how leisure programs can be effective. What makes this resource unique is perhaps contained in Chapter 19 where the international approaches to leisure have been explored with a special emphasis on Brazil and China.

Kunstler, Robin., and Daly, Frances. Therapeutic recreation leadership and programming. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers. 2011. Print
            The uniqueness of this book is in the fact that it focuses on the therapeutic benefit of leisure with the same being used as a means through which people can resolve some of the health issues they may be having. It attempts to link this unique approach to leisure programming with the effectiveness of the programs being linked to their ability to deliver on the therapeutic need of clients. The leadership role in terms of designing the programs, monitoring them to ensure that they deliver on the desired goals and timely reviews for improvement have also been covered in this book. This resource is useful in bringing out the uniqueness of leisure programming where the nature of the leisure activities and the need description of the clients play a major role in the choice of programs and the running of the same.

McLean, Daniel., and Hurd, Amy. Recreation and leisure in modern society. 9th Ed. Sadbury, MA: Jones and Barlett Learning, LLC. 2012. Print.
            This book explores different aspects of leisure with the underlying aim of bringing out the extent to which the concept of leisure has evolved over time. With the basic components of leisure in mind, the book explores changes in terms of composition and attitudes from historical times to the modern times. In addition to this, it explains at length socio-cultural perspectives of leisure and goes ahead to outline the leisure service system which has been developed over the years where the main stakeholders in the leisure programming process are government, NGOs and related recreation agencies. The perspectives highlighted in this book are critical to the leisure programming process as they help in appreciating the different market developments that planners must be aware of. Understanding the changes in perceptions and attitude also help in generating programs that can provide the levels of satisfaction needed. 

Raymond, Poff., Zabriskie, Ramon., and Townsend, Jasmine. “Modelling family leisure and related family constructs: a national study of US parent and youth perspectives”. Journal of Leisure Research 42.3 (2010):365-391. Print.
            This scholarly article links family characteristics as observed in their structural relationships, the functioning of families, and family leisure satisfaction among others. This article categorises family leisure into two: core and balance. Core family leisure is regular, low cost and on average quite accessible. Participation in sports, outing and the like belong to this category. Balance family leisure comprises of activities that are uncommon and mostly designed to provide unique and new experiences. Vacations, camping, fishing trips and special events belong to this category. The authors also cover the dynamics of family leisure satisfaction as well as communication and these are aspects that could be very useful to the leisure programmers who would need to know how to satisfy clients who come in family units. Knowledge of family communication could also be helpful in understanding how to effectively market the leisure programs produced.

Rossman, Robert., Schlatter, Barbara. Recreational programming: designing leisure experiences. 5th Ed. Champaign, IL: Sagamore Publishing, LLC
            This resource is very specific on programming and explores the different processes and approaches to programming. Among the outstanding topics covered are goals and objectives in program development where emphasis is laid on the importance of strategy in programming. It also explains the different perspectives that need to be taken while designing programs and even provides examples of program designs while emphasising the need for a creative approach to ensure that each program is unique in its ability to provide value to customers. The book also covers the operational aspects of programs where staffing, promotion of programs and even proposed pricing strategies have been provided. The need to ensure continuous improvement has been emphasised through materials on evaluation and monitoring approaches. This book appears to target leisure programming professionals who may need to use the information provided to ensure their programs provide the desired value.

Russell, Ruth., and Jamieson, Lynn. Leisure program planning and delivery. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics Publishers. 2011. Print
            This book provides a solid foundation for leisure programming by highlighting the importance of programmed leisure. It then discusses leisure programming in depth by highlighting the professional aspects of leisure programming as well as the programming principles that should be in the programmers’ minds. The main principles relate to the need to ensure quality, satisfaction of customers, efficiency, environmental preservation and the aspect of monitoring performance and facilitating future improvements. The contribution of this book to the field is further enhanced by its holistic approach where planning, monitoring and operational aspects of leisure programming have been highlighted. It also covers leadership aspects. This book appears to target an audience that is new to the field and provides clear insights into the subject matter: in a manner that allows persons new to the field to not only understand it but also take part in effective leisure planning.

Stalker, Glenn. “Leisure diversity as an indicator for cultural capital” Leisure Sciences 33 (2011): 81-102. Print
            This article addresses the question of diversity of activities and its impact on the level of leisure satisfaction. It also explores the question of culture and its influence on how individuals and societies enjoy leisure activities. Among the relevant theories that have been put in discussed are the role attachment theory and the disengagement theory. Where role attachment is strong, diversity may not be embraced especially where it requires the abandonment of perspectives held. The preference of diversity has also been explored based on gender, age and other demographics with an aim to understand how different members of the society view diversity. The article finds that diversity of activities does indeed contribute to the levels of leisure satisfaction among contemporary leisure clients. This dimension of customer satisfaction in leisure services could provide valuable insights to leisure programmers who may embrace the idea of diversity to promote the levels of satisfaction.

Torkildsen, George. Leisure and Recreation Management.  5th Ed. New York: Routledge
            This book starts with a general introduction to leisure and management as the foundation for greater emphasis on leisure planning and programming. It begins with exploring the historical perspectives on leisure and their subsequent evolution with a keen eye on the underlying motive of players in the recreation sector: to satisfy the customer. The author observes that leisure is about satisfaction of human needs and one must understand such needs in order to satisfy them. He decries the fact that many leisure programmers tend to be ignorant about such needs. In this book, the concepts of programming which start from the planning processes to the actual management of the programs have been highlighted. This book appears to target an audience with a light background in leisure and recreation and acts as a guide to effective leisure programming. Its rich background of the topic is also useful in ensuring that the leisure programmers do not lose sight of the principles that should guide their work.

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