Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A fuzzy QFD approach using SERVQUAL and Kano models under budget constraint for hotel services

Beheshtinia, M.A. & Farzaneh, A.M. (2019) A fuzzy QFD approach using SERVQUAL and Kano models under budget constraint for hotel services, Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 30(7-8), 808-830

For library access / research help in a similar topic: anyangoceline19@gmail.com

Quality enhancement in the hospitality industry can lead to satisfied customers,
increase the number of visitors and positively affect the GDP of countries. This
paper proposes a hybrid model using the House of Quality (HOQ), SERVQUAL and
Kano models for the hotel industry under budget constraint. The model was then
implemented at a hotel in the city of Rasht in Iran. After identifying 31 customer
needs, they were prioritised using a combination of the SERVQUAL and Kano
approaches. HOQ was then implemented to determine and prioritise the acts and
technical requirements required to meet customer needs. A mathematic model was
developed to determine the optimal selection of activities within the specified
budget. These functions were accomplished in a fuzzy environment. The results
demonstrate the importance of each customer need, its gap to the desired condition
and its type. The results also identify the cost and weight of each technical requirement

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